Tuesday, September 15, 2009


So, let me set this scene for you...new class, new teacher, same 4 friends from old class. Our babies are like the Jeffersons and they're movin on up mmm, mmm mmm! Two petite little girls (smallest in their former class), two of the biggest boys (all within a month or two of each other)...they be makin those babes alarga these days. So anyway, one little petite girl waits until the other boys get within 6 inches of her and she squeals and screams and says NO with all 6 of her teeth gleaming until a teacher rescues her. The other girl proactively grabs the boys by the hair pulls them to the ground and sits on them until they are screaming bloody murder and she is laughing and patting their backs and giggling but not getting up until they peel her off. Now you can only guess which angel is which as I feigned horror and assured the teacher that we don't rough house with her at home. Teacher says that she must be watching wrestling or something...I think she just makes all her own moves up as she goes. Someone has to stand up for the other little one. Bless her little protective Sic Semper Tyrannus heart! I'd like to think she was just standing up for the underdog!

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Retired Colonel, in late 80's (really when DO you stop counting...it begins with eagerly counting then counting down until 16...18...21...then counting in mumbles 30-dfhlskdfj...then 'forgetting' to count...then counting backwards (Grammil...I'm just saying the name, nothing more) then to counting proudly as in bragging rights. So, more amazing things, drives 1/2 way across country with Memaw (she couldn't bear to fly and leave her new yippy dog at home) stopping for dialysis 3x's/week on the way; getting to my moms only to fix the weed eater and cut the whole God knows how many acres; goes to dialysis; comes home and STILL, STILL STILL finds the energy to play pony with his Great Great GrandCallie only to get ready for his 62nd anniversary dinner with Grammil and Memaw Great. Honestly folks...A-MAZING...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Oh yeah,

Oh yeah, did I mention Mommy and Daddy got married? Here is our crazy friend who made the cakes....is there anything else really as important???? Hey 10 month old perspective...mmmmmm cake...

No Ma'm

Me: Crawling to the dog bowl of food & water

Mommy: No ma'm

Me: No ma'm

Mommy: Oh no, she didn't just say No ma'm as her first set of words!!!

I have to prepare her for teenage years somehow, huh?


All is fun and games until your teeth rot out....thats why we are totally starting young...Look Dr. Trahey....hygiene!!! (no this was not a one time thing for the camera....we did it twice!!!)
She likes it! You know what elses she likes? She likes going to see great memaws and great pepaws and playing this wacky cool instrument while mama sings 'I dont want to work..I just want to play on the drums all day..." which is what we did that fine day. Now all 3 of my followers are probably wondering why I didn't divide this into two blogs...well I have a zillion of other things to tell you all but given my track record lately, I thought I would just pack two weeks progressions into one sweet blog....so we covered visiting on grandparents great 62nd Anniversary...wow, hope I live that long....brushing my two teeth that have come in and by the way, I walked to the sink holding mom's hand just after eating all the table food that mom and dad ate...wow a month of mile stones and oh, there is a no ma'm blog to follow that maybe i will go ahead and post...why not post my luck?

Friday, July 24, 2009


A GREAT DAY!! The teacher I LOVE was there and told me all about her day when I picked Callie up. She played well, listened to the teachers, didn't have time out, didn't pick on anyone, laughed and laughed and well lets just say she must have known it was Friday. Antsy in the pantsy the kids get knowing they get to spend the weekend with their folks. She said all the kids were so amped today that Callie couldn't nap more than 30 minutes because someone would squeal and wake her up. That's ok because she was still in great spirits. She's a trooper! She usually sleeps through everything so it must have really been rowdy. We came home, took a lap around the church and bathed and she was down by 6:15 instead of 7!!! I mean she was OUT! She started her nightly snack naked and we got her dressed after she had fallen asleep! Girlfriend was whooped! Thank goodness she didn't spray poo or liquid goo all over the bed before diaper got nested on. Its FRIDAY, we are going to be kickin it relaxin style all lopin around the house and piddling and picking flowers and going to play in some sand....LIFE IS SOOOOOO GOOD! THANKS FOR ALL THE SUPPORT WE HAVE GOTTEN ABOUT THIS TRYING WEEK. ALL IN ALL IT TURNED OUT TO BE OK. I think I am going through those parent growing pains! My little butterbean is sprouting out! Oh yeah, did I mention last day of ear infection medicine? Hopefully we can get through a week without another one popping up! If it does, that puts us in the -tubes-in-the-ear category or at least ENT specialist....lets just hope we have kicked those nasties for good!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

My little....ANGEL????

Well, we got to the bottom of the whole situation this afternoon. Apparently Callie wasn't doing the old grab-you-by-the-hair-and-pull-someone-to-her-for-a-kiss-routine with her best bud. See there are 3 gals with almost identical names. I was told by the gal who is only there the last 15 minutes about it being her best friend. Apparently this was wrong and she had the kids mixed up. Apparently, she was picking on the littlest girl in the class who also happens to be the oldest and whose name is only one strong A difference instead of a soft A. So, they sent the wrong messenger to do the dirty work. We didn't get written up, everyone was laughing about it today, "babies are learning and figuring it out...." except for me who is still unsettled that noone really has the same story because there is someone different when I drop her off than when I pick her up. Anyway, that can't be helped. So on with the rest...IT TRULY JUST BREAKS MY HEART. I am hoping to raise someone who stands up for the underdog and not one who creates the underdog. Maybe seperating them was for the best. Not sure I agree with the crib though. There might be other ways to put them in opposite corners or assign each one to each teacher so they both are keeping them seperated. I guess it is hard when you have diapers and feedings and such. They say she has a really STRONG personality. I guess she gets that from Go Daddy Go....okay busted....maybe, just maybe, from me...nahhhhh. They just say she is something else...a pistol even. They say she gets ready to do something and pauses and looks at them and smiles before she does it. I think she might be testing everyone. Now the scratches are due to her pulling off the velcro bib....and getting tackled by the kid with the huge head who can't pull himself up from sitting unless he pulls everyone around him down first. I know this is a lot to digest folks but all in all, she has clean outfits when I pick her up. Nothing more major than tiny red scratches in isolated places. Clean diaper, eats lots of different foods (still not happy about the hashbrowns...or Vitamin G as daddy calls it) is always smiling when I pick her up AND DROP HER OFF. So, I guess if it were really bad she would throw a fit about staying....and besides if I could only convince work they don't need me until 8:45 then I could maybe check out our BlogPal K&*&^'s Mom's resource. We were visiting not too long ago so we know exactly where it is!
tattatatat for now xoxo MSM

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Milk-Shakin-Momma has a few pleas for advice to post. My little Angel I am told by school has 'QUITE THE PERSONALITY' Now is that their way of slyly saying, watch out? They tell me today as I am all pumped up to see and play with my baby that she is a scratcher. They tell me that she attacks her best little friend (the one she laughs and shares toys with and has bonded with) with her nails. By the time I left I was feeling horribly sad. How am I to prevent her from scratching at school? I try to keep nails clipped. They say she is obviously an only child and spoiled. Ummmmm, pretty harsh words to hear about my 9 month old. Especially since she is good at home. So I leave thinking she has been written up and they are going to kick her out of school like I have heard stories of them doing and she will be "Unschoolable." Then we will have to send her across state for troubled 9 monthers. So I go home and tell Go Daddy Go. He says, "Puddin, have you been mean at school?" THEN HE LOOKS HER OVER....All up her back and neck and the back of her head are these tiny razor like scratches that could only come from ANOTHER child her size. SOOOOOO, We are just going to call this little stint SELF-DEFENSE and tell those teachers that maybe they need to just monitor BOTH kids and not make me feel like a bad mom!!!!! Oh by the way, we are going to demand an explanation for her scratches as OBVIOUSLY she wouldn't have done this to herself on the back of her head/neck and chest area. Secondly, I ALSO learned that to reprimand her they stick her in the crib. She doesn't nap there I learned as she naps in the swing but that definitely explains how recently she has become horrified when we go into her room to lay her down to bed. She thinks of her crib as JAIL!!! This one is a tough one folks.....need some advice!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


This Sassy Little Diva is EXHAUSTED!!! She has been making phone calls to celebrate the imminent wedding of her Milk Shakin Mama and Go Daddy Go! August 22, put that in your books! Her sassy little kicks are brought to us by the same Great Auntie who brought us the infamous PJ ensemble that reads "If the Tiara fits..." Look, its hard work. Hard work, harumph! Nighty night! xoxox CC...getting some ZZ's

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


MEDS ARE KICKING IN FOR CALLIESTAR. Milk shakin mama slept so hard she drooled. Go Daddy Go finally got some ZZZZZ's and Callie got some good old fashion sleeping under her diaper (belt...well you know). Tonight back to the scheduled 7 pm bath (well fake one...she sat in the sink and drank water from the faucet...not the usual but she liked it and when you are sick you get to drink from the faucet and sit in the sink and splash all over the counter, those are the rules) and book (didn't quite make it through page one before eyes were rubbed) a snack and shut eye. I had to diaper her while she made one last flip in the air (she gets all acrobatic when she is tired) and I got her dressed as she was 1/2 way eating/sleeping. She sported the Elvis pj look barrel chest out and arms all out and knees all giggly, love to capture that one but really I am literally attached to her during the whole scene. Sparing you all the gratuitous nudey scene, dad opts to just laugh at mom and la femme elvis superstar instead of capturing boob and all!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Monday, July 13, 2009

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Chairway Models...the next realty show. I can hamm it up with the best of them...look out Naomi....younger blood is taking over!!! Ready, set, VOGUE!!!
Enjoying the beach...living the life....

Friday, July 10, 2009


GO! CALLIE! GO! This is the infamous Lion we have been raving about. He laughs this goofy laugh and sings and I dance and dance and dance. I am learning to grab the ground when I sit now instead of falling. New trick! After all of this excitement, I am pooped! Night Night sleep tight don't let the bedbug bites...zzzzz...if they do.....zzzzz....my snuggle bud Frumity Frog will take care of business!

Thursday, July 9, 2009


The healthy thing to do is take some freshly steamed zucchini straight out of the dirt from the garden sans seasoning and puree it with some nice yummy water and feed lovingly to me. Watch with delight as I smile with this new exposure. Every day mix it up with a new vegetable and you too can have a finicky-free baby like me. NOW THE REALISTIC way it shakes down is that mommy tickles me until I smile, then she shoves the spoon in my mouth and ducks, grabbing the nearest thing to give me as a chaser/distract er ....tonite yummmy Gatorade... to keep me from spraying green mush all over her and the kitchen. She takes all the fun out. It sure is great to see her hustle though! Oh you'd love to be a fly on our wall....(WHAT??? There's flies on our walls?????) Paranoia and delirium are all classic symptoms of my sleep deprived mama. So, milk-shakin-mama...quit coming in my bedroom 3x's a night waking me up to feed me (honestly folks do you think I would willingly wake a sleeping baby???) One of these days I am going to look her in the eye and say...NOT NOW IM SLEEPING! But until she learns I guess I will just play along with her and have just a small little snacky snack. After all, I am almost growns up (9 months) and will only be this cute and cuddly for so long, I will let her have her nightly babydoll fix.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

WEDNESDAY...Story and Bath and Bed

I LOVE READING! I can thank Mrs. Rendy for most of this. She is forever sending books and encouraging tips for Milk Shakin Mama. Ever since Mama read the book by Mem....you must run out and get a copy of Mem Fox's Reading Magic....I have taken an interest in anything with letters. This is me looking at the engaged section. I do enjoy a good love story. Milk Shakin Mama almost wet her pants because I sat on the floor and read the paper for about 30 minutes. I really don't get what was so funny. Who doesnt like the paper?

This bath is brought to you by the letter's F...P...C...B...and S.

Monday, July 6, 2009


Mom & and love to spend quality time together....we play and play...

So, Dad and I love to spend quality time together.....we play and play and who am I kidding? We love those zzzzzzzz's....

Sunday, July 5, 2009


It has been ages and I have so much to catch you up on. It is now July 5th. I celebrated my first Independence Day. I was so stoked, I took a few steps. I was holding onto my tropical grooving friend Lion Walker and rolled him forward and followed....and rolled and followed. It was fun. We love Fisher Price. They know what us babes like and how we learn. I am all pumped modeling my new bathing suit from friend Annie. This growing up thing is pretty liberating! Here I am learning to pick my favorite puff. There are sweet potato and banana puffs, so I just figure out which one I want first. I eat all sorts of foods. Everyday I try something new. Favs are those yogurt drops by Gerber Graduates, fruit and squash. Mommy is always having me try new foods. It is quite yummy! I also love cantaloupe and peaches. I can gum things like crazy.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


So, I am apologizing for Milk Shakin Mama's lack of correspondence. She has changed jobs and getting ready for a play called the Vaginia Monologues...or V-Chats for short. But enough about her....really....save all that drama for Your mama or my Grammamil....get back to blogging Mamma!!!! More later when she gets back in the groove again. Something about me being an insomniac and her being a zombie day to day...hey....HAVE YOU SEEN THE WORLD????? Would you want to miss anything??? I surely don't. I don't have TIME to sleep...WHO NEEDS IT anyway??? Tata for now...gotta go chew something, drool and pull mamma milkshakes hair out....no really, it is falling out....kind of weird. She says it is because her Prego-glow is now Post and is wearing off. Back comes the breakouts, thin hair, unglow in the cheeks and baggy eyes....but really mamma, again, save the drama!! xoxoxo ms. callie...still running the show but now with some sassitude! No longer the prodigal pupil per schoolteacher....joined the ranks of the other fussies. Milkshakinmamma hopes it is a faze or at least hopes that she can face it better tomorrow with more rest and patience.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Monday March 2. Snuggling with Go-Daddy-Go and digesting my new food...which of course was chased by a yummy lasagna flavored millk-shake...really don't get grossed out...quite tasty and filling. So anyway, we were hanging and I was really being a slimey nose factory. My cough was very rattly and my chest was very loud and I was just sneezing and rubbing my eyes. THEN THE TEARS CAME. I started bucking and kickin-chickin and tossing so MSM started dancing with me and then guess what? I fell asleep!!!! I was so snuggly warm and cozy. Amazing how I can just mold to any shape and nestle down. Milk-Shakin-Mama held on for as long as she could and then laid me down on the ottoman (my perfect size personal sofa) and I had myself a little nap. It was close to my bedtime but not close enough so MSM and GDG got to watch parts of Jeopardy. They thought it was going to be a calm magical night. THEN I WOKE UP. I was kind of tossing and turning so MSM played with me and we went to the big folks room and played on the bed. We played peekaboo with my feet and the Itsy Bitsy Tickle Spider and all sorts of fun games. We read a fun book and had a big time. I guess I had a big ball of nose goo because out came the blue bulb and what usually is a quick no worries syphon turned to be one that bothered me. I screamed for about three hours straight and MSM started saying it was her fault because she let me have yogurt and GDG says no something else was wrong. They took turns trying to calm me and give me Big Love. Finally, I laid in my BIG GIRL CRIB...that's right....like the Jeffersons...Moving On Up....and I laid there and rubbed my eyes and MSM rubbed my tumtum and I cried and fell asleep. SO that is how I came to have my FIRST NIGHT IN THE BIG GIRL BED!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!! I could stretch and kick and yawn without hitting the sides of the crib or propping my foot up on the ledge (which I kind of liked!). It was cozy and soft and warm and just right. When I take a nap on M&G's bed I take up half of it because well I am a sprawler they say. So I could just sprawl and sleep. I slept most of the night (until my 2:30 milkshake raid), but then I went back to sleep and got up in the morning. LIFE IS GRAND!!! Here's a pic of me in my crib when I was a weee thing...remember? Those are all my friends. They haven't moved with me to the big crib. They will prob just stay where they are. Friend octopus was nice untill he bit me and wouldnt let go of my finger one day during naptime. I am not sure where he is now. Go-Daddy-Go put a kiabash to his biting habits. I did love Mr. Octopus though. Friend bee is still a personal fave of mine. Anyway. I am a big girl now and am now in my big girl room and Milk-Shakin-Mama says she is okay by that.


AHHH, its my first March and boy do I have some exciting things to tell you! Sunday, the very first day I had my first REAL FOOD as Milk-Shakin-Mama calls it....and on a big people spoon!!! It was Stoneyfield Farm Organic Vanilla yogurt. Can life get any better? Let me back up a bit. Lately, I have been eyeing the folks as they eat. Plate, spoon, mouth, repeat. Milk-Shakin-Mama says I am like Sista-Sadie and that there are 2 pairs of eyes boring into her instead of just one pair. So, like a tennis match, Sista Sadie and I watch back and forth, back and forth. Well, I have been a bit under the weather as most 4 monthers who go to school are....they breed some good germs in the south! So, Go-Daddy-Go was finishing his dinner and MSM was sitting with me on the sofa. GDG grabs some yogurt and sat right beside us slurping it down. It must have been the look of LONGING on my face (MSM REALLY is really getting to know me now) so MSM made GDG share! They gave me a drop and at first my tongue pushed it out. Then my tastebuds tingled and I looked for more. GDG started putting drops on my tongue and I started drooling and munching. MSM said I was like a baby bird opening up for more. This went on for a bit until MSM had a panic attack. She remembered yogurt was made with cow's milk and that I may not be ready for cows milk so she paniced, closed the Confectionaire for the night and started calling her friends. She thought for sure she was going to have to rush me to the doctor's office. Go-Daddy-Go said to Stop and that it was all good. So finally, after many reassurances from various sources, MSM went to the chill factor and we enjoyed the rest of the night....UNTIL..........

Saturday, February 28, 2009


It is Friday and we are doing the happy dance and kicking up our heels for the weekend to begin. I am so excited that it is time to play with my friends and find out the skivvy on the duce holiday. Here I am about to pound my bottle with Mrs. NeNe*...my super teacher!!! She knows how to run a tight ship! She and EveningMoonbeam* know just how to keep us all inline. We play, we eat, we chat...that's my fave. I used to just listen and look. Go-Daddy-Go thought I was going to be like him as a kid and be the quiet observer. It seems I am more like Milk-Shakin-Mama and am all up in the conversations!!! Mrs. NeNe says that Ruthabella* and I have chatty contests. You should just hear us. I wish Milk-Shakin-Momma could play with us. Oh, by the way I pounded a duece-duece today...an all time record!!!

*All names have been changed to protect the identity of my peeps!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Snicklefritz and Feet

My new nickname is Snicklefritz...per Go-Daddy-Go...We watched the funniest movie we have seen in ages...Pineapple Express....oh my. We watched it about 5 times in 2 days!!! Well, it was on TV anyway and we caught glimpses of it. I am not the dankiest...well not my face, neck and chest...maybe my back, rear and feet....but for some reason that nickname rolls off the tongue and just makes me giggle when I am called that. So, it stuck. I have gone from Sixer to CC to Snicklefritz. I should be named after the Supreme (flick title) but who can turn down a nickname like this???? Oh yeah, I now live with my feet in my hands....that's the Feet part!


Truly this is a good morning! I woke up at o430 IN MY CAR SEAT!!! That's right. Go-Daddy-Go had to pick up his car and mom had to do some grocery shopping so we took a fam trip to do these things. I went with Go-Daddy-Go home and when Milk-Shakin-Momma got home I was in snoozeville! So from 7pm-4:30am, there was some sleeping going on!!!! So, happily we got up and had a bath and dumped my 5 lb wet diaper and started our day. We had a milkshake for breakfast...Milk-Shakin-Momma added a spruce of Cheerios to hers and now it is playtime with Go-Daddy-Go.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Car Seat Sleeping?

At night is it OK for me to sleep in my car seat?...'cause I was out and cozy and just decided to mix it up for a change! Mommy feels guilty for not putting me in the crib, but apparently its a crap shoot. I could wake up in 5 minutes or hours, so mommy just says wait until I am hungry and then she will move me to the crib. So that's where I am....yeah, you called me out...I do have a secretary that does all my paperwork and updates my blog for me...you know with my busy day, I just can't be bothered. Oh yeah, forgot to tell you.....I pounded 14 oz at school today! Yummy!!!


Happy Ash...ley Wednesday Milk-Shakin-Mama!!!!! This day always makes mom smile. All the churches we passed were packed to the gills tonight with the end of Mardi Gras and the beginning of Lent. I think I might give up waking up every other hour at night until Easter. Momma is going to try and give up fast food...or at least french fries. Go-Daddy-Go says he is going to pick up whatever we decide to leave down. He is so funny. He always makes me giggle. These are exciting times for me because I have full on discovered my feet....LOVE THEM!!!! I might have the same foot fetish as mommy...remember the shoes in the closet? Today was long but nice so I decided to kick back and watch some soaps, you know the usual Jeopardy & Wheel of Fortune. I like the remote buttons, they feel cool. Go-Daddy-Go and I are having a bit of a good night snuggle after reading a cool book about Brown Bear and all the things he sees. There are colorful animals in it. It was a gift from my friend Kingston and his family. Kingston is older than me and is a real cutie with blond hair and blue eyes. We go rolling sometimes on the bike path with our moms.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


WHOOOHOOO! I was up all last night drinking and kicking and squirming and having a high time in preps for Phat Tuesday! I went to school today and hung in the Jumparoo and bounced around and partied down. One of my friends went home with a hangover...I mean fever....she was hatin it!!! I got to stay and party more with my friends. I had mat time and tummy time and well the usual parade kind of stuff. I didn't do anything too crazy to score some beads but I did drink about 16 or so ounces...yeah, I was pounding em'! I came home and jumped around in the doorway.

Remember my under the sea tunnel? Well, after a long day of fun times I needed to play and kick it in my bouncy seat. I mean, what better way to multi-task? I can lay back and let the toys come to me.

My uncle Chit came by and we walked on the beach it was super fun. He snuggled with me for a while. He tells the funniest tall tales. I can listen to him for hours! He made me laugh and laugh and laugh.

By the way ladies....he is single and Milk-Shakin-Momma and Go-Daddy-Go and Sista Sadie and I would all love for him to have someone cool to hang with...easy now ladies, just slow down, one caller at a time...

All in all, I had a GREAT PHAT Tuesday...time to pass out now...zzzzzz....

Friday, February 20, 2009


Mama's everywhere new and old, Grandma's, Papa's, Pepaws, Grandpa's, Pops, Cousins, Sisters, Brothers, Aunts, Uncles, Friends, NonFriends and anyone else who doesn't fit into any one of these categories....

The BEST website EVER for moms, aspiring moms, non-aspiring moms and just anyone who knows a child/baby/babydoll or someone with a child/baby/babydoll.

This site reminds us of why it is important to keep a source of steady income. I have traded in my shoe addiction for this site. That's right, my existing shoes are falling both out of fashion and apart at the same time. Do I care? NO! Does Callie care? NO, well not yet anyway. Does Go-Go Daddy care? NO...actually he is sick of tripping over shoes and the fact that the coat closet by the door has been transformed to shoe backup closet #2...not to mention if he even wanted to brave the cold to play golf, his clubs are locked in by shoes....an avalanche might occur if he golfs...so golfing CAN be hazardous to your health...sorry fellas! Does Sista Sadie care? NO, she is actually hoping I give up a few of them to a doggone good cause!!!

So give into your secret inner-passion for a stellar deal and check it out.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


This is a pic of me doing my best Alfalfa impression right before beddy bye time. Of course it is Jeopardy time, I love my shows! I sleeep 1/2 way through the night now. I like my midnight snack...who doesn't? I am super tired lately because at school I have been bouncing in my bouncy chair and watching everyone. My teacher said that I am just the most curious little lady. I don't miss much in that room. She says sometimes she can feel little eyes boring into her as she is doing something. You know what they say, inquiring minds....Milk shakin mamma has been doing a good job of sending me to school with milkshakes galore. Yesterday I drank about 20 oz. I think that was a record. We had a doc appt and he said I was growing fabulously. I am over 13 lbs and 23 1/2 inches long and I have ears full of wax. Mommy doesnt like to go digging, something about my eardrum she says. Doc says I need some H2O2 to bubble it out. That is this week's project mommy says, between one of my manicures. I am so lucky, I get a manicure in my sleep! I wake up to fabulous shapes. I get to cancel my doc appt with the muscle doc in Virginia because doc says I am strong and just fine. No lazy arm anymore. YEAH!!!! Gotta go tap the milk shake machine...I hope it is tastey tonight...mommy had peas and cous cous and chicken noodle soup....

Monday, February 16, 2009


Grammill came yesterday and brought Christmas presents. That's right, you read correctly, Christmas in February. Last time I saw Grammill was over Thanksgiving when we took that epic voyage up north to see Memaw & Pepaw Millinois. We had a big time. We played under the sea..see?
Then I got the coolest gift that I can ride in until I am 40 lbs...that's waaaaaaayyyyyyy old!!!

A new Crosscountry Backpack by Snugli! Boy was that fun. Just like my EasyWalker Sky, I am not supposed to use it until I am 6 months old but I sure did have fun hiking around the living room! I have a whole new outlook on life now. The weather up here is a bit breezy. Maybe that's the heat vent but it sure feels fine either way!

We then had a bit of snuggle time. It was half past nap time and I was now having it...too much fun to be had. Gramill's puppy was playing outside. She was really funny to watch. Her name is foxy and she really did look like a fox. There is a muppet on Sesame Street that looks like her too. She pounced all around Sista Sadie and they played on the porch. Daddy said she got Sadie off her butt and got that old lady moving!I introduced Gramill to friend Sheep. Friend Sheep came from Christina & AJ and Jacob and Analese from Christmas at Poperooni's. I think Gramill liked Friend Sheep. I know I do. Sometimes it is nicer to go to sleep with something so cuddly and soft. Well, long and short is that I had a big time yesterday and am happy that I got to play with Gramill and hopefully we wont wait 3 months to see her again. That was a long time and I have grown a lot! Now that we are feeling better we can get back into visiting the family again.
Oh, I almost forgot, mommy wants me to mention that I went to bed last night after a bit of fussiness and slept from 9 until way past 8:30 this morning. I did wake up a couple of times to get my Nuk and toss about for a minute but fell back to sleep. All this congestion cleared last night and let me sleep...so finally.....here's the part she wants me to stress..