Thursday, September 3, 2009


Retired Colonel, in late 80's (really when DO you stop begins with eagerly counting then counting down until 16...18...21...then counting in mumbles 30-dfhlskdfj...then 'forgetting' to count...then counting backwards (Grammil...I'm just saying the name, nothing more) then to counting proudly as in bragging rights. So, more amazing things, drives 1/2 way across country with Memaw (she couldn't bear to fly and leave her new yippy dog at home) stopping for dialysis 3x's/week on the way; getting to my moms only to fix the weed eater and cut the whole God knows how many acres; goes to dialysis; comes home and STILL, STILL STILL finds the energy to play pony with his Great Great GrandCallie only to get ready for his 62nd anniversary dinner with Grammil and Memaw Great. Honestly folks...A-MAZING...

1 comment:

Rendy said...

Wow! How wonderful to be able to share your beautiful daughter with all of her "greats." Keep making those memories!