Tuesday, September 15, 2009


So, let me set this scene for you...new class, new teacher, same 4 friends from old class. Our babies are like the Jeffersons and they're movin on up mmm, mmm mmm! Two petite little girls (smallest in their former class), two of the biggest boys (all within a month or two of each other)...they be makin those babes alarga these days. So anyway, one little petite girl waits until the other boys get within 6 inches of her and she squeals and screams and says NO with all 6 of her teeth gleaming until a teacher rescues her. The other girl proactively grabs the boys by the hair pulls them to the ground and sits on them until they are screaming bloody murder and she is laughing and patting their backs and giggling but not getting up until they peel her off. Now you can only guess which angel is which as I feigned horror and assured the teacher that we don't rough house with her at home. Teacher says that she must be watching wrestling or something...I think she just makes all her own moves up as she goes. Someone has to stand up for the other little one. Bless her little protective Sic Semper Tyrannus heart! I'd like to think she was just standing up for the underdog!

1 comment:

Rendy said...

You've seen the t-shirts that say "Fight like a girl" haven't you? Might want to get one for Callie! All part of growing up Mom. Do not fret!