Friday, July 24, 2009


A GREAT DAY!! The teacher I LOVE was there and told me all about her day when I picked Callie up. She played well, listened to the teachers, didn't have time out, didn't pick on anyone, laughed and laughed and well lets just say she must have known it was Friday. Antsy in the pantsy the kids get knowing they get to spend the weekend with their folks. She said all the kids were so amped today that Callie couldn't nap more than 30 minutes because someone would squeal and wake her up. That's ok because she was still in great spirits. She's a trooper! She usually sleeps through everything so it must have really been rowdy. We came home, took a lap around the church and bathed and she was down by 6:15 instead of 7!!! I mean she was OUT! She started her nightly snack naked and we got her dressed after she had fallen asleep! Girlfriend was whooped! Thank goodness she didn't spray poo or liquid goo all over the bed before diaper got nested on. Its FRIDAY, we are going to be kickin it relaxin style all lopin around the house and piddling and picking flowers and going to play in some sand....LIFE IS SOOOOOO GOOD! THANKS FOR ALL THE SUPPORT WE HAVE GOTTEN ABOUT THIS TRYING WEEK. ALL IN ALL IT TURNED OUT TO BE OK. I think I am going through those parent growing pains! My little butterbean is sprouting out! Oh yeah, did I mention last day of ear infection medicine? Hopefully we can get through a week without another one popping up! If it does, that puts us in the -tubes-in-the-ear category or at least ENT specialist....lets just hope we have kicked those nasties for good!

1 comment:

Rendy said...

So glad Callie (and Mom) had a good day! Now with a weekend ahead things should settle down to a good, relaxing time for all.