Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Milk-Shakin-Momma has a few pleas for advice to post. My little Angel I am told by school has 'QUITE THE PERSONALITY' Now is that their way of slyly saying, watch out? They tell me today as I am all pumped up to see and play with my baby that she is a scratcher. They tell me that she attacks her best little friend (the one she laughs and shares toys with and has bonded with) with her nails. By the time I left I was feeling horribly sad. How am I to prevent her from scratching at school? I try to keep nails clipped. They say she is obviously an only child and spoiled. Ummmmm, pretty harsh words to hear about my 9 month old. Especially since she is good at home. So I leave thinking she has been written up and they are going to kick her out of school like I have heard stories of them doing and she will be "Unschoolable." Then we will have to send her across state for troubled 9 monthers. So I go home and tell Go Daddy Go. He says, "Puddin, have you been mean at school?" THEN HE LOOKS HER OVER....All up her back and neck and the back of her head are these tiny razor like scratches that could only come from ANOTHER child her size. SOOOOOO, We are just going to call this little stint SELF-DEFENSE and tell those teachers that maybe they need to just monitor BOTH kids and not make me feel like a bad mom!!!!! Oh by the way, we are going to demand an explanation for her scratches as OBVIOUSLY she wouldn't have done this to herself on the back of her head/neck and chest area. Secondly, I ALSO learned that to reprimand her they stick her in the crib. She doesn't nap there I learned as she naps in the swing but that definitely explains how recently she has become horrified when we go into her room to lay her down to bed. She thinks of her crib as JAIL!!! This one is a tough one folks.....need some advice!


Rendy said...

I was concerned even after reading what you wrote about them "telling" you what Callie had done. Not appropriate way to speak to a parent. I would have MANY questions and need MANY, MANY acceptable answers before I would let any of this drop. Be strong Mom and can do have to for your little girl!

Kingston's Mom said...

I agree with the previous commenter-whoever she may be! Don't let anything go that you are concerned about. It is never a good idea to put a baby in a crib for punishment. And any cuts, scratches, bruises, bug bites, etc. should be explained and shown to you before you even have to ask. Booooo.
If you are looking for a change, let me know. Kingston's daycare is awesome!