Wednesday, March 4, 2009


AHHH, its my first March and boy do I have some exciting things to tell you! Sunday, the very first day I had my first REAL FOOD as Milk-Shakin-Mama calls it....and on a big people spoon!!! It was Stoneyfield Farm Organic Vanilla yogurt. Can life get any better? Let me back up a bit. Lately, I have been eyeing the folks as they eat. Plate, spoon, mouth, repeat. Milk-Shakin-Mama says I am like Sista-Sadie and that there are 2 pairs of eyes boring into her instead of just one pair. So, like a tennis match, Sista Sadie and I watch back and forth, back and forth. Well, I have been a bit under the weather as most 4 monthers who go to school are....they breed some good germs in the south! So, Go-Daddy-Go was finishing his dinner and MSM was sitting with me on the sofa. GDG grabs some yogurt and sat right beside us slurping it down. It must have been the look of LONGING on my face (MSM REALLY is really getting to know me now) so MSM made GDG share! They gave me a drop and at first my tongue pushed it out. Then my tastebuds tingled and I looked for more. GDG started putting drops on my tongue and I started drooling and munching. MSM said I was like a baby bird opening up for more. This went on for a bit until MSM had a panic attack. She remembered yogurt was made with cow's milk and that I may not be ready for cows milk so she paniced, closed the Confectionaire for the night and started calling her friends. She thought for sure she was going to have to rush me to the doctor's office. Go-Daddy-Go said to Stop and that it was all good. So finally, after many reassurances from various sources, MSM went to the chill factor and we enjoyed the rest of the night....UNTIL..........

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