Monday, February 16, 2009


Grammill came yesterday and brought Christmas presents. That's right, you read correctly, Christmas in February. Last time I saw Grammill was over Thanksgiving when we took that epic voyage up north to see Memaw & Pepaw Millinois. We had a big time. We played under the sea..see?
Then I got the coolest gift that I can ride in until I am 40 lbs...that's waaaaaaayyyyyyy old!!!

A new Crosscountry Backpack by Snugli! Boy was that fun. Just like my EasyWalker Sky, I am not supposed to use it until I am 6 months old but I sure did have fun hiking around the living room! I have a whole new outlook on life now. The weather up here is a bit breezy. Maybe that's the heat vent but it sure feels fine either way!

We then had a bit of snuggle time. It was half past nap time and I was now having it...too much fun to be had. Gramill's puppy was playing outside. She was really funny to watch. Her name is foxy and she really did look like a fox. There is a muppet on Sesame Street that looks like her too. She pounced all around Sista Sadie and they played on the porch. Daddy said she got Sadie off her butt and got that old lady moving!I introduced Gramill to friend Sheep. Friend Sheep came from Christina & AJ and Jacob and Analese from Christmas at Poperooni's. I think Gramill liked Friend Sheep. I know I do. Sometimes it is nicer to go to sleep with something so cuddly and soft. Well, long and short is that I had a big time yesterday and am happy that I got to play with Gramill and hopefully we wont wait 3 months to see her again. That was a long time and I have grown a lot! Now that we are feeling better we can get back into visiting the family again.
Oh, I almost forgot, mommy wants me to mention that I went to bed last night after a bit of fussiness and slept from 9 until way past 8:30 this morning. I did wake up a couple of times to get my Nuk and toss about for a minute but fell back to sleep. All this congestion cleared last night and let me's the part she wants me to stress..

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