Friday, February 20, 2009


Mama's everywhere new and old, Grandma's, Papa's, Pepaws, Grandpa's, Pops, Cousins, Sisters, Brothers, Aunts, Uncles, Friends, NonFriends and anyone else who doesn't fit into any one of these categories....

The BEST website EVER for moms, aspiring moms, non-aspiring moms and just anyone who knows a child/baby/babydoll or someone with a child/baby/babydoll.

This site reminds us of why it is important to keep a source of steady income. I have traded in my shoe addiction for this site. That's right, my existing shoes are falling both out of fashion and apart at the same time. Do I care? NO! Does Callie care? NO, well not yet anyway. Does Go-Go Daddy care? NO...actually he is sick of tripping over shoes and the fact that the coat closet by the door has been transformed to shoe backup closet #2...not to mention if he even wanted to brave the cold to play golf, his clubs are locked in by avalanche might occur if he golfing CAN be hazardous to your health...sorry fellas! Does Sista Sadie care? NO, she is actually hoping I give up a few of them to a doggone good cause!!!

So give into your secret inner-passion for a stellar deal and check it out.

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