Wednesday, February 18, 2009


This is a pic of me doing my best Alfalfa impression right before beddy bye time. Of course it is Jeopardy time, I love my shows! I sleeep 1/2 way through the night now. I like my midnight snack...who doesn't? I am super tired lately because at school I have been bouncing in my bouncy chair and watching everyone. My teacher said that I am just the most curious little lady. I don't miss much in that room. She says sometimes she can feel little eyes boring into her as she is doing something. You know what they say, inquiring minds....Milk shakin mamma has been doing a good job of sending me to school with milkshakes galore. Yesterday I drank about 20 oz. I think that was a record. We had a doc appt and he said I was growing fabulously. I am over 13 lbs and 23 1/2 inches long and I have ears full of wax. Mommy doesnt like to go digging, something about my eardrum she says. Doc says I need some H2O2 to bubble it out. That is this week's project mommy says, between one of my manicures. I am so lucky, I get a manicure in my sleep! I wake up to fabulous shapes. I get to cancel my doc appt with the muscle doc in Virginia because doc says I am strong and just fine. No lazy arm anymore. YEAH!!!! Gotta go tap the milk shake machine...I hope it is tastey tonight...mommy had peas and cous cous and chicken noodle soup....

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