Saturday, February 28, 2009


It is Friday and we are doing the happy dance and kicking up our heels for the weekend to begin. I am so excited that it is time to play with my friends and find out the skivvy on the duce holiday. Here I am about to pound my bottle with Mrs. NeNe* super teacher!!! She knows how to run a tight ship! She and EveningMoonbeam* know just how to keep us all inline. We play, we eat, we chat...that's my fave. I used to just listen and look. Go-Daddy-Go thought I was going to be like him as a kid and be the quiet observer. It seems I am more like Milk-Shakin-Mama and am all up in the conversations!!! Mrs. NeNe says that Ruthabella* and I have chatty contests. You should just hear us. I wish Milk-Shakin-Momma could play with us. Oh, by the way I pounded a duece-duece all time record!!!

*All names have been changed to protect the identity of my peeps!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Snicklefritz and Feet

My new nickname is Snicklefritz...per Go-Daddy-Go...We watched the funniest movie we have seen in ages...Pineapple Express....oh my. We watched it about 5 times in 2 days!!! Well, it was on TV anyway and we caught glimpses of it. I am not the dankiest...well not my face, neck and chest...maybe my back, rear and feet....but for some reason that nickname rolls off the tongue and just makes me giggle when I am called that. So, it stuck. I have gone from Sixer to CC to Snicklefritz. I should be named after the Supreme (flick title) but who can turn down a nickname like this???? Oh yeah, I now live with my feet in my hands....that's the Feet part!


Truly this is a good morning! I woke up at o430 IN MY CAR SEAT!!! That's right. Go-Daddy-Go had to pick up his car and mom had to do some grocery shopping so we took a fam trip to do these things. I went with Go-Daddy-Go home and when Milk-Shakin-Momma got home I was in snoozeville! So from 7pm-4:30am, there was some sleeping going on!!!! So, happily we got up and had a bath and dumped my 5 lb wet diaper and started our day. We had a milkshake for breakfast...Milk-Shakin-Momma added a spruce of Cheerios to hers and now it is playtime with Go-Daddy-Go.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Car Seat Sleeping?

At night is it OK for me to sleep in my car seat?...'cause I was out and cozy and just decided to mix it up for a change! Mommy feels guilty for not putting me in the crib, but apparently its a crap shoot. I could wake up in 5 minutes or hours, so mommy just says wait until I am hungry and then she will move me to the crib. So that's where I am....yeah, you called me out...I do have a secretary that does all my paperwork and updates my blog for know with my busy day, I just can't be bothered. Oh yeah, forgot to tell you.....I pounded 14 oz at school today! Yummy!!!


Happy Ash...ley Wednesday Milk-Shakin-Mama!!!!! This day always makes mom smile. All the churches we passed were packed to the gills tonight with the end of Mardi Gras and the beginning of Lent. I think I might give up waking up every other hour at night until Easter. Momma is going to try and give up fast food...or at least french fries. Go-Daddy-Go says he is going to pick up whatever we decide to leave down. He is so funny. He always makes me giggle. These are exciting times for me because I have full on discovered my feet....LOVE THEM!!!! I might have the same foot fetish as mommy...remember the shoes in the closet? Today was long but nice so I decided to kick back and watch some soaps, you know the usual Jeopardy & Wheel of Fortune. I like the remote buttons, they feel cool. Go-Daddy-Go and I are having a bit of a good night snuggle after reading a cool book about Brown Bear and all the things he sees. There are colorful animals in it. It was a gift from my friend Kingston and his family. Kingston is older than me and is a real cutie with blond hair and blue eyes. We go rolling sometimes on the bike path with our moms.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


WHOOOHOOO! I was up all last night drinking and kicking and squirming and having a high time in preps for Phat Tuesday! I went to school today and hung in the Jumparoo and bounced around and partied down. One of my friends went home with a hangover...I mean fever....she was hatin it!!! I got to stay and party more with my friends. I had mat time and tummy time and well the usual parade kind of stuff. I didn't do anything too crazy to score some beads but I did drink about 16 or so ounces...yeah, I was pounding em'! I came home and jumped around in the doorway.

Remember my under the sea tunnel? Well, after a long day of fun times I needed to play and kick it in my bouncy seat. I mean, what better way to multi-task? I can lay back and let the toys come to me.

My uncle Chit came by and we walked on the beach it was super fun. He snuggled with me for a while. He tells the funniest tall tales. I can listen to him for hours! He made me laugh and laugh and laugh.

By the way ladies....he is single and Milk-Shakin-Momma and Go-Daddy-Go and Sista Sadie and I would all love for him to have someone cool to hang with...easy now ladies, just slow down, one caller at a time...

All in all, I had a GREAT PHAT Tuesday...time to pass out now...zzzzzz....

Friday, February 20, 2009


Mama's everywhere new and old, Grandma's, Papa's, Pepaws, Grandpa's, Pops, Cousins, Sisters, Brothers, Aunts, Uncles, Friends, NonFriends and anyone else who doesn't fit into any one of these categories....

The BEST website EVER for moms, aspiring moms, non-aspiring moms and just anyone who knows a child/baby/babydoll or someone with a child/baby/babydoll.

This site reminds us of why it is important to keep a source of steady income. I have traded in my shoe addiction for this site. That's right, my existing shoes are falling both out of fashion and apart at the same time. Do I care? NO! Does Callie care? NO, well not yet anyway. Does Go-Go Daddy care? NO...actually he is sick of tripping over shoes and the fact that the coat closet by the door has been transformed to shoe backup closet #2...not to mention if he even wanted to brave the cold to play golf, his clubs are locked in by avalanche might occur if he golfing CAN be hazardous to your health...sorry fellas! Does Sista Sadie care? NO, she is actually hoping I give up a few of them to a doggone good cause!!!

So give into your secret inner-passion for a stellar deal and check it out.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


This is a pic of me doing my best Alfalfa impression right before beddy bye time. Of course it is Jeopardy time, I love my shows! I sleeep 1/2 way through the night now. I like my midnight snack...who doesn't? I am super tired lately because at school I have been bouncing in my bouncy chair and watching everyone. My teacher said that I am just the most curious little lady. I don't miss much in that room. She says sometimes she can feel little eyes boring into her as she is doing something. You know what they say, inquiring minds....Milk shakin mamma has been doing a good job of sending me to school with milkshakes galore. Yesterday I drank about 20 oz. I think that was a record. We had a doc appt and he said I was growing fabulously. I am over 13 lbs and 23 1/2 inches long and I have ears full of wax. Mommy doesnt like to go digging, something about my eardrum she says. Doc says I need some H2O2 to bubble it out. That is this week's project mommy says, between one of my manicures. I am so lucky, I get a manicure in my sleep! I wake up to fabulous shapes. I get to cancel my doc appt with the muscle doc in Virginia because doc says I am strong and just fine. No lazy arm anymore. YEAH!!!! Gotta go tap the milk shake machine...I hope it is tastey tonight...mommy had peas and cous cous and chicken noodle soup....

Monday, February 16, 2009


Grammill came yesterday and brought Christmas presents. That's right, you read correctly, Christmas in February. Last time I saw Grammill was over Thanksgiving when we took that epic voyage up north to see Memaw & Pepaw Millinois. We had a big time. We played under the sea..see?
Then I got the coolest gift that I can ride in until I am 40 lbs...that's waaaaaaayyyyyyy old!!!

A new Crosscountry Backpack by Snugli! Boy was that fun. Just like my EasyWalker Sky, I am not supposed to use it until I am 6 months old but I sure did have fun hiking around the living room! I have a whole new outlook on life now. The weather up here is a bit breezy. Maybe that's the heat vent but it sure feels fine either way!

We then had a bit of snuggle time. It was half past nap time and I was now having it...too much fun to be had. Gramill's puppy was playing outside. She was really funny to watch. Her name is foxy and she really did look like a fox. There is a muppet on Sesame Street that looks like her too. She pounced all around Sista Sadie and they played on the porch. Daddy said she got Sadie off her butt and got that old lady moving!I introduced Gramill to friend Sheep. Friend Sheep came from Christina & AJ and Jacob and Analese from Christmas at Poperooni's. I think Gramill liked Friend Sheep. I know I do. Sometimes it is nicer to go to sleep with something so cuddly and soft. Well, long and short is that I had a big time yesterday and am happy that I got to play with Gramill and hopefully we wont wait 3 months to see her again. That was a long time and I have grown a lot! Now that we are feeling better we can get back into visiting the family again.
Oh, I almost forgot, mommy wants me to mention that I went to bed last night after a bit of fussiness and slept from 9 until way past 8:30 this morning. I did wake up a couple of times to get my Nuk and toss about for a minute but fell back to sleep. All this congestion cleared last night and let me's the part she wants me to stress..

Sunday, February 15, 2009


This just in.....CC rolled over!!!!! She was spending some tummy time (which she no longer hates) and she craned her head over and up flew the arm and over the legs and she was on her back in no time laughing up at me with those big doe eyes!!!!! I yelled to Dad...he was momentarily indisposed....poor guy...turns the other cheek for one minute and his daughter turns her other cheek!!!! More on this FANTASTIC development later, it's nap time in CallieLand!

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Today, I, CC would like to send a Loving Valentines Day shout out to all my fams and friends kickin it all over the place! Love you Nana and Pops in NOVA, Grammill in Hampton Roads, Nanna & Popserooni in Norfolk, Auntie Mariss & UncaNick in West Cali (hey Callie thats me!!), Cuzn Anthony (one day we'll hang and play with kid toys and stuff...that'd be cool) AuntiMerMer & UncaWill in Nova, AuntieJackieson, UncaChit, UncaJerble, Cuzns Van & Sophie (still thanking you for that cold cuz...its still hangin on since Christmas!!!), GrammaGin (hey Virginia thats me too!), Memaw in Chez Chesapeake, Pepaw & Memaw M in Illi-chilly-nois, AuntiAnn in Richmond, GCuzns Brad, Alek, CuManda, Leslie, Lillicutie and my girlfriends and boyfriends in daycare...esp. that cutie Paxton....and finally the Academy and God for his strength!!! OH AND MY MOMMY & DADDY...WITHOUT THEM I WOULD BE NOTHING!!! SERIOUSLY FOLKS, I WOULDNT BE HERE...!!!

Friday, February 13, 2009


So Mommy's friend Amy got me a Bumbo. She said it is like having an extra hand. I think it's pretty cool. I am getting better at holding my head up so it helps me sit without mommy. I still got that little lean on. You know, just to look cool! It is a fun thing for a change of pace. I can see the world from a whole different angle! It says not to bath me in it, but I really think it would be cool and help me sit while Mommy and Daddy pour soaps on me. I don't think we will try it though. They must have said no for a reason!
Hey Bugsy, how about busting me out of here?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


What to do? What to do? Callie is eating more and I am milk-shakin less. What are contributors to low milk supply? Could it be...
1. Not getting enough calories/day? CHECK
2. Not getting enough sleep/night? CHECK
3. Stress at work? CHECK CHECK CHECK
4. Not being able to pump in peace @ work? CHECK
5. Working too long hours? CHECK
All these are wonderful suggestions. I would love to say that I can change any of these components...however....
1. Chipping away at the frozen reserves....CHECK
2. Telling myself I am giving it my all....CHECK
3. Pumping after every feeding at home....CHECK
4. Friends/family telling me I gave it my all...CHECK
5. Trying to snack more throughout the day...CHECK
Wouldnt it be wonderful to just be someone's personal organizer so that I could take breaks when I need to, carry Callie around with me, enjoy the sunshine, make it to the beach for a change, write in my journal, catch up on reading, have dinner ready at night, make it to the grocery store with planned meals in hand, visit friends and so much more..

You know...EVERYTHING....a mom dreams about....

Oh, gotta go pump, Fussy McFusserton won't take the breast due to kicking and flailing (tried gas drops and snuggling and cuddling and laying her down for beddy-by) might as well make a bottle for tomorrow....with any luck I won't have to thaw yet another Golden Nugget for tomorrows daycare buffet!

tata for now, more from CC tomorrow...tonight she is having none of this blogging stuff....



Monday, February 9, 2009


Mommy went to ladies nights. She said it was a version of Eve Ensler's V-Chats. I haven't gotten to that letter yet on Sesame Street so I don't know what V stands for. She said it was ok. She missed me and Daddy. I had a high time with Daddy. Mommy says it is good to socialize from time to time. I hung with Daddy for about an hour and went to bed at 7:30. Mommy said when she went to bed at 10 I was still asleep. No news tonight. All ZZZZZZ's here. Sesame Street always talks about ZZZZZ's. They are some Z Advocate I guess. Or maybe it is just Burt with his silly floppy night cap. Going to get some more ZZZZZ's...xoxoxo CC

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sunny Sunday in the Sixties!!!

This morning it took me about 20 minutes of stretches and kicks and yawns to wake up. I got about 4 hours of beauty sleep in a row. Mom was superpumped to have gotten some shuteye that we laid in bed and laughed and stretched. I love Sundays. They are the best!

I spent a few minutes doing some workouts with the exercise ball. Look I am BubbleGirl!!! I do love hanging with my underwater friends. I saw this air helmet on Sponge Bob Square Pants yesterday when the squirrel was helping Sponge Bob get in shape on the bottom of the sea. She looked so funny!!! I guess this is what I would look like visiting Sponge Bob and Patrick the Starfish!

It was so sunshiney today we spent most of it outside. Talk about fresh air fabulosa! I helped daddy with his shed. I make a great supervisor. So does Sista Sadie. Mom was chillin' near by having a chilly bev. She doesn't have many nowadays which is nice. I don't think I would be fond of frosty wheat shakes. She says it is best I don't try them for another twenty years or so!

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Welcome to this week's episode of Saturday Night Live.....with costar Go Daddy Go! Mommy is sick again...she says her bones ache. Daddy ran to get Ginger Ale and Crackers....did you know the Rite-Aid didnt have any Saltines? Who doesn't stock buckets of Saltines. They had Ginger Ale...but no Saltines. Honestly, what is a gal to do in times of fever and nibbles? Well I tell you what I do, I snuggle with Daddy before bed. This is me chewing my finger. I like them these days. They make me drool. I do tummy time on Mommy and drool all over her shirt. She laughs because she said I look like a turtle with my head up and about but she has never seen a turtle drool! xoxo CC

Friday, February 6, 2009

Fashion Show Disclaimer....

By now you must think that I
1....Live on my changing table
2....Live to try on different clothes and
3....Live for the paparazzi snapping the whole thing...
The truth of the matter...and it is not for the weak of that I am a little stinker...really I am. I have more blowouts during the day!!! You might say try a different dipey dipe...hey I have tried most. My fav softie is the Pampers your comfy pair of pants. But I have, as I have grown and matured, grown quite fond of the Huggies Dry with Winnie the Pooh (my fav pal, mommy says he is the classic cuddly pooh she grew up with an oldie but a goodie) and all his friends Tigger and Eeyor (daddy says "thats the mule, thats the donkey" but he also calls sister Sadie a donkey too...either he is confused or maybe we have a mute mule in the house) Either dipey dipe is wonderful for me these days, but I still have blow outs. The thing is I have inherited mommy and daddy's tiney hineys and so the blowouts shoot up my back and get on my pants and shirts. The teachers at school say its the darnest thing and they laugh about it. But I always come home clean and dry and smiley so dont worry, LIFE IS STILL SOOOO GOOD!
Sooooooo, basically I end up
1...On the changing table
2...With a new outfit
3...Posing for the Paparazzi!!
So there you go...Callie Disclaimer 09
I am CC and I approve this message!!!!


This pic is a favorite of mine because it has me posing with my favorite goop ....AQUAPHOR!!!!! Mommy has bins of different gels, pastes goops and gobs that we have collected. It was one fine day when Cuzn Leslie got on the horn and said Guuuuuuurrrrrrl, you have got to go down to the store and get you some. So mommy did and that mean ole rash I had on my cheeks disapeared almost instantly. I am not going to lie, I am a drooler. The other lotions rinsed off with my spit and turned gross. That clear Aquaphor made my cheeks shiny and totally healed and made my skin sooo soft....see me smiling? If you want to try other stuff, just ask and we will mail you all our other stuff. You can spend tons of $ trying all the new stuff on the market, mom says...but it is like a fine milkshake...there's no substitute!!!!

After a long day at school, I finished a yummy milkshake and sacked out in my new fav outfit that Nana and Pops got me. It has little tigers, zebras and elephants and giraffes that says once upon a time...I wonder if the elephants are as funny as the one on my changing table! Anyway, as you can see it is beddy bye time so goodnight moonlight baby...rockabye sweet baby C...sweet greens and blues are the colors I choose....zzzzzz

We Support the Heart Truth Campaign!!!!!

This morning I was hangin with my friends on the changing table. They are some jokesters. The elephant asks what the mama elephant says to the baby...she loves her a ton!!! Mommy tells me that and I crack up!!! Mommy opened the book and used it as a border around my changing table (my favorite place of clean fresh hineys) and it keeps my hands from hitting the wood rail. Plus with all the jokes it has I can keep laughing early in the morning to start my day off happy. My shirt says its easy being green and it has Kermit The Frog on the front. His tongue matches my frog and stylish!!!! Aunti Ann, Cuzn Leslie & Cuzn Amanda gave me some cute mixable tops that have all the teachers yapping at school! They all pass me around and say they want to take me home. Mommy says thats sweet but she is not ready to share me with others just yet!!! Any way ta ta for now! Keep it real and keep it pink!!! Why? Today is National Wear Red day and I decided to go pink!!! Why because the Heart Truth Campaign wants to raise awarenes of heart disease in women. We think awareness should be for men and women, but if the moms are well, they can keep making those tastey milk shakes!!!! xoxo CC

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Check out my new wheels!!!! I know I am not allowed to ride until I am 6 months old, but who can resist???? I said mama, hook me up in my new wheels and lets take a stroll down the hallway. We even went into the living room! I am not allowed on the sidewalk until I am older. Something about safety. I think she is afraid I am going to fall through the straps. Honestly, I did inch down but I was having too much fun to notice!!! We haven't even pumped up the wheels and we glided along smoothly. You should see how we spin out and turn practically in place. Trust me Easy Walker Sky is the way to go!!!! I can't wait until I am 6 months so I can cruise. Oh, gotta go, momma says she caught me riding dirty!!!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Hump day's end is near and that makes it one step closer to the weekend. Mommy and Daddy and Sadie and I can hang out and go for walks and "detox from the public" as mom says. I like school. I get tummy time (not so fun) but sometimes they sit me in the saucer and I can look out the window. Its amazing, all those people coming and going. I like week nights because I get to watch Jeopardy. All those squares. Mommy put me on my Fisher-Price Sea tunney for playtime and I couldn't help but want to turn and watch Jeopardy. Mind and body...check it....It was hard to decide between fish and Alex.


It is snowing! It started about 4;30 and was coming down quite thick. Mommy says I was like her as a kid when she would be up all night sipping hot cocoa watching the snow fall and praying for the school closings to pop onto the screen on the news at 6am. Well, except for me I was nursing my milk shake....all night long. Mommy said her milk shake machine feels like its about to burn out! Here is a pic of the last time it snowed...we are hoping for a replay!!!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I'm gonna wave that man right out of my arms...
and send him on his way....
I went and washed that man right out of my hair...
and sent him on his way...
Musicals are my fave. Mommy is always singing some lyric to some musical and Daddy is always asking "what in the world is she singing puddin?"
I have my own songs...kind of a mix between an orca whale during mating season and a little squealing piggy. Then I start laughing and it all turns to slobbery is good!

Monday, February 2, 2009


Under the Sea! Controlling movements! Tonite I looked that fish in the eye and grabbed hold of its crinkly fins. My Fisher-Price Ocean Wonders Kick and Crawl Aquarium provides chunks of entertainment. If allowed one complaint, I would say it is the plastic ribbing that runs along the matt. It can be uncomfortable for my back, so I just turn at an angle. All in all, I love the fishes in the deep blue sea!

Sunday, February 1, 2009


SUPER BOWL SUNDAY!!! What a day to feel a better. We have all been sick pretty much since New Year's...partial reason for not blogging. Other reasons: mom returning to work, feeding all the time (maybe comfort food for me), mommy pumping in between and just being exhausted. This year is the year of cuteness and product reviews. First blog is dedicated to cuteness.....